You will be part of our team of 10 scientists working on trace gas retrieval in the Earth Science Group (ESG) of SRON. The ESG consists of approximately 30-40 scientists (permanent employees, postdocs, PhD students) who work on the data processing and interpretation of satellite instruments as well as the definition of new instrumentation and guiding the development. Our team develops algorithms for trace gas remote sensing, for operational data processing and validation, and gives scientific guidance during the implementation phase of future missions.

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You will work on a project that combines innovation with operational data processing, giving you the ability to gain a wide range of knowledge and skills, while putting your own stamp on climate change science. This work will be performed within our SRON team in close collaboration with our project partners,  the European Space Agency (ESA) and our Japanese partners from JAXA and NIES. Your tasks will include:

  • Operational data processing of GOSAT-2 data in the context of several projects in the Copernicus programme.
  • Investigating ways to improve the current GOSAT-2 data products.
  • Establishing of a software framework for processing data from the GOSAT-GW.
  • Analyze radiance observations using the RemoTeC software for the atmospheric remote sensing of CH4 and CO2. Detailed quality analysis of the data will give us inside in the GOSAT-GW mission performance.

A work stay at our Japanese partner institutes is foreseen. You will present your results to the project team, our external colleagues, at conferences, and in peer-reviewed journals.

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We are looking for a person with a PhD in (atmospheric) physics, computer science, or similar. Very good programming skills in Python, and/or C++/Fortran are required, and a clear asset will be experience in interfaces between Python and Fortran. Experience in machine learning will also be highly valuable. Good English language skills (speaking and writing) and the ability to work in a team as well as independently are required for this position.

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The position we offer at SRON is a full-time position in which you will be employed by NWO-I. (The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research Institutes) for a period of 2 years. The extension of this period with another 2 years depends on external funding. Your salary will be in accordance with NWO-I salary scale 10 at a maximum of € 5.486,– gross per month on a full-time basis (depending on your level of education and experience). Compensation for commuting expenses will be provided.

NWO has good secondary employment conditions such as:

  • An end-of-year bonus of 8,33% of the gross yearly salary;
  • A holiday allowance of 8% of your gross yearly salary;
  • 42 days of vacation leave a year, on a full-time basis;
  • An excellent pension scheme;
  • Options for (additional) personal development;
  • Excellent facilities for parental leave;
  • Ample training opportunities;
  • Possibility of flexible working hours;
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SRON’s mission is to achieve breakthroughs in international scientific research from space. To this end, SRON develops groundbreaking technology and advanced space instruments. SRON promotes societal applications for space technology.

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